Significant portion of the energy share to come from the sea
The offshore wind resource is huge, renewable and yet to be exploited. Those are the good news.
However, the challenge ahead to bring the technology down to cost competitive figures is not trivial.
Most of the industrial attempts are focusing on adapting onshore solutions to the marine environment.
We have chosen to start from scratch, and come up with an architecture that addresses the very specific challenges of this new "gold rush".

It is no secret in the industry that in order to reduce the cost of energy offshore, scaling up the turbine is a winning bet.
Currently, this means to size the device on the platform to meet 10+MW rated power.
Due to its low center of gravity and the fact that most of the internal machinery is located roughly at sea-level, our vertical axis architecture opens up a scaling potential that horizontal axis turbine designs will struggle to match.
Our R&D team is already thinking about a 20MW design ...

Offshore wind is a dance ... and the dance partner of the turbine is the platform.
What started as a suspicion 10 years ago has become a solid foundation through a number of investigations by different institutions: the cost of the floating platform - which takes a significant portion of the CAPEX - can be significantly reduced via vertical axis devices, and specific purpose design.
Wind energy is a team sport. We are used to see arrays of turbines on the mountains, and the same thing happens offshore.
However, out there on the sea distances between turbines have a deeper impact. Our design contributes to reduce the overall geometrical size of the offshore park.
Besides, by intelligent pattern utilisation, vertical axis turbines improve their individual performance when grouped, as in a pack of cyclists.

As mentioned before, a winning trend in affordable offshore wind is to go big. Really big.
The increasing size poses several challenges. One of them being the transport of factory manufactured massive blades to the harbour.
Our value proposition for this: modular blades, design so that the transport can be fulfilled with simple and cost-effective logistics.
The key enabler here is our blade aerodynamic design developed with the manufacturing process in mind.
Seaq is building early relationships with research institutions, specialists and suppliers in the industy to ensure the viability of the concept and prepare for the next stage of design and development.


Pure Logic
